Three Good Things
May 27, 2021
Spreading the word about the work of KFNL has been quite a challenge during the pandemic since all events were cancelled – but our faithful supporters (that is you!) have kept us going in Uganda. Thank you!
In April, an amazing opportunity came our way to share with the North Carolina educator organization, Delta Kappa Gamma. I had the privilege to talk to their virtual convention about “growing in hard places” and also gave a workshop on Knickers for New Life and how they might be involved. These generous souls gave over $4400 to our Circle of Health & Hygiene work. I’m so grateful for the chance to connect with people who have never heard of KFNL and also to get a jumpstart on getting back to having events.
All our partner schools are fully back in person and each has grown. Knickers schools now have over 2900 students! Leaders there have shared that KFNL programs are a huge plus and draw parents’ attention, especially if they have daughters. Here is a report from Chris Mwesige at Hope Primary:
“Before KFNL came, school girl dropout was very high. The age group of 12-14 bracket was negatively affected. It is this same group of girls that experienced monthly periods. Government by then had not addressed itself to this unique but God-endowed experience of girls. In Uganda, just like any other African country, it is still a taboo to talk about sex publicly. During their periods, the girls would lose a period of 3-4 days of school time per month which translates into a loss of 36 days of study a year. The school would lose an average of 10 school-going girls a term and in a year the school lost 30 girls due to this girl-child “PROBLEM.” Quite a number of school girls in other schools have dropped out due to early pregnancies for lack of guidance and counseling and information.But with the introduction of KFNL projects at school, we have registered a lot of success against these challenges. The school has the best latrine facilities for both girls and boys. Deliberate efforts have been spent to have tippy tappy facilities (hand wash stations) with funding from KFNL.”
KFNL’s main work and calling is our Circle of Health & Hygiene. However, occasionally we see an opportunity that closely aligns with our vision of changing the future for girls in Uganda and we work toward a one-time goal. For 2021, we are excited to find such an opportunity:
This three-room house is located 100 feet from New Life Primary School. “Kamuli” means little flower and is a term of endearment. The house has its own latrine and a water tap outside (a great benefit). It has enough land to grow vegetables for the school, and has a productive mango tree. Ten girls could be housed here who live too far to walk to school or who are orphaned. A matron will live here too – a local widow who will receive shelter and food. It’s a win-win!

Our Goal: Kamuli House

Some fix-up needed

View from New Life Primary of Kamuli House just behind. Note the big Mango tree!
The total cost for purchase/repair of Kamuli House is $11,600. Would you consider a one-time gift for this special project? To direct your gift, please specify “Kamuli House” on our donation page. This will have a direct, immediate impact on 10 girls and will also be a blessing for years to come. Thank you for all you do to make a positive change in what can feel like a turbulent world.
YOU are the Fourth Good Thing for Knickers for New Life!
Grateful for you and for the opportunity to serve children in Uganda together,
Watha Kollmeyer