Bless The Children Primary was founded in 2009 and is located in Kyembogo, Mabaale Town Council Kagadi District, Uganda.
2023 enrollment is for 527 children in Nursery – Primary 7, with 289 being girls. There are 21 teachers and the principal administrative head of the school is Mr. Mwesigwa Richard. The mission of Bless the Children Primary is to provide holistic skills and values to the young generation. Many of the students here are orphans and/or refugees. The health and KFNL Special Project for 2022 is helping to build a four-classroom building at Brilliant School to get everyone in the dry!
“Malaria and diarrhea have been the biggest problem in our school and all around the village. And today we are worried of an outbreak of dysentery in Hoima now in the refugees’ camps. The numbers of death are reportedly increasing as a result of dysentery. And we are neighboring them. (Kyangwali refugee camp).
Other serious problems are on children’s teeth/ tooth. Most of them have bad teeth and we try to help them with SENSODYNE to prevent this, but also they go for extraction.
Also there are many issues of hygiene where young children struggle with jiggers in their feet and hard for them to walk normally on the road.( Jiggers break the feet / toes and lay kind of eggs in the feet).
The school has 2 pit latrines and they are almost getting full. These latrines have served the last 9 years.
The school does not provide sanitary pads for girls; most of our school girls are facing a big challenge in this as everyone knows.”
KFNL is thrilled to have built the much-needed latrines with your help!
Please consider giving to this project to provide the following items to raise the overall health of the school and especially to ensure the girl-child has all she needs to stay in school. Thank you!