Brilliant Primary School (BPS) began in 2015 in the tea plantation area of Kyarusozi Village, Kyenjojo District, Uganda. School mission: We train the whole child. the body, the mind and the soul.
Brilliant Primary has quickly grown to 417 students with over 240 girls and 15 teachers. Brilliant Primary had been renting very poor facilities but purchased land and is beginning to construct permanent classrooms. Knickers for New Life is seeking to raise funds to bring our Circle of Health & Hygiene programs to BPS. We began in September 2019 with Tippy-taps handwash stations and mosquito repellent soap. This school had no soap before KFNL! We were able to raise funds to build emptiable pit latrines for girls and for boys. Construction began in October 2019, to allow the latrines to be complete when the school moved to it’s new land in January 2020.
From the Head of School:
“Percentage of children who pay any school fees is 65%. Our school doesn’t have any outside support. It depends entirely on parents and guardians contributions. Our school was basically established to solve the problems that hinder children to access education and most especially the girl-child to minimize chances of early marriage and school dropouts who were going to work in a nearby tea factory.
We have a good number of children who are orphaned either by one or both parents from HIV. Most of our parents are peasant farmers who are normally affected by price fluctuations.
Being a rural school, paying school fees is also a challenge as many parents depend on their agricultural produce. We would like to partner with KFNL because we have seen your organization having a great impact on the communities where you have already established it and mainly to the girl-child who is most vulnerable in the community.”
KFNL Special Project for 2022 was helping to build a four-classroom building at Brilliant School to get everyone in the dry!
Thank you for giving to provide the following items to raise the overall health of the school and especially to ensure the girl-child has all she needs to stay in school. Thank you!