Christ School is located in Bundibugyo, Uganda. Our partnership with the school began in December 2016. There are a total of 320 students, with 160 girls in 2018. For years, geographic isolation and rebel warfare stood in the way of the peace, development, and well being of Bundibugyo district. Compared to the rest of Uganda, Bundibugyo consistently ranks in the bottom 10% of the country on various education measures. Historically, this has left the district at the mercy of leaders from the outside, or unqualified or unethical leaders from within.
Founded in 1999, Christ School, a secondary boarding school, today is seeing alumni go on to lead the community and nation. These young people have the strong educational and spiritual foundation received at Christ School. Average education levels in Bundibugyo are on the rise and the district is connecting to more developed areas of Uganda.
Thank you for giving to this project, together we made a huge difference for these girls! New latrines, handwash stations, and curriculum will continue to benefit Christ School for many years to come. Although our partnership has come to a close, we wish them all the best!